Apex is the final tower in the first phase of Seylynn Village re-development, following the great success of Compass and Beacon Towers. Developed by Denna Homes, Apex located at 1520 Fern Street will include 269 Homes in a 32 storey.
Once Aplex is completed in 2022, the first phase of Seylynn Village will include 790 condos and townhomes over 3 towers and will be the starting point of the new Lynn Creek Village.
The development also includes access to the recently completed Denna Club. Which is a 14,000 square foot amenity space that includes a lap pool, lounge, fitness centre, spa and dedicated space for Yoga/Dance.
To be kept up to date on Apex at Seylynn Village register with us today and we will keep you up-to-date!
E. & O. E. This is not an offering for sale. An offering for sale may only be made after filing a Disclosure Statement under the Real Estate Development Marketing Act
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